Your town

PUJOLS is an medieval town in the South West of France… Once the center of the region, later appreciated by artists it has become a place of rest and peace…

It has all the comfort a small town can give with its grocery storeĀ chez Roland et BernadetteĀ and a small family restaurantĀ Chez Silvie..

A small town indeed, but very much appreciated by different nationalities which made the local soup contest 2013 with some 20 participants have a strange podium at the end …

  1. somebody from Germany
  2. someone from Belgium
  3. someone from Portugal…

Scottish, British, Belgians, Germans, Spanish or Portuguese nationalities mingle with the local French inhabitants during one of the many events that are organized yearly…

A mixture of old and young, also in culture.

Pujols on Wikipedia

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